Sunday, June 20, 2010

Introducing Amfcc-Australiablog

To All Amfcc -Australia Bible School Students & All Prospective Students

Greetings and welcome to the official blog for Australia Multination For Christ College Blog. This blog has been created for the following reasons:

1. To provide valuable information about the activities of the college to our students both in Australia, the Asian Pacific and all over the world.
2. To cater for the needs of our students and create a way for interaction and transmission of information.
3. To provide a common place for announcements, calendars, events and services.

Amfcc Australia exists for the sole purpose of equipping and training leaders and lay persons for effective and efficient ministry through Evening Bible Schools, Correspondence School and seminars. The School was founded and commissioned by Apostle Ezekiel H.Guti in March 2009. It is an extension of Africa Multination For Christ College, Zimbabwe where over five thousand full time pastors have been trained at the feet of Apostle Guti.

Amfcc Australia is committed to raising a generation of leaders with a passion for the kingdom of God in a manner that accurately reflects the values of Forward In Faith Ministries International and all those who will partner with us in our mission. More info about the college can be obtained through our website, when you click the bible school link.

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