Monday, June 21, 2010

Course Descriptions

BIB-01, Orientation

This is a week in which the students are given an orientation on Australia Multination for Christ College, its history, background, philosophy & vision. The formats, grading system, tuition, graduation requirements, and all school procedures are outlined to the students.

This course seeks to equip the student with an overview of the books of the Old testament from Genesis-Malachi. It is expected that by the end of the course, the student should be able to:
· Give the meaning and theme of each of the books covered.
· Give a portrayal of how Christ is presented in each of the books studied.
· Give the name of the Author of each of the books and the purpose of authorship.
· Give a brief outline for each of the books.
· Say the great things in each of the books under study.

This course will equip the student with an overview of the books of the New testament from Mathew to Revelation. By the end of the course, the student should be able to:
· Give the meaning and theme of each of the books covered.
· Give a portrayal of how Christ is presented in each of the books studied.
· Give the name of the Author of each of the books and the purpose of authorship.
· Give a brief outline for each of the books.
· Say the great things in each of the books under study.

This course seeks to bring an awareness and appreciation to the student of the History of FIFMI one of the fastest growing and largest church in the world. The student will have an awareness of the history, growth, doctrine, and how the ministry has grown to this day.
In this course, the student will also be introduced to the life and ministry of Apostle Ezekiel Guti, a leading Apostle whose ministry has touched and transformed thousands of people all over the world in more than 78 nations.

BIB - 05, Rules and Policy
The course aims to give the student a clear understanding of church policy as practised in FIFMI, article by article, section by section and point by point. The student will thus appreciate what we believe, what we do and the philosophy of ministry of Forward in Faith Church.

The course aims to equip the student with the dynamics of sermon delivery covering such key areas as the purpose of preaching, the life of the preacher, the preparation of a sermon, types of sermons, the structure of a sermon and how to deliver a sermon effectively.

This is a course which introduces the student to the prayer covering a wide range of topics; viz; definition, purpose, how to pray, hindrances to prayer, kinds of prayer. etc.

A critical subject for today’s leader focusing on the dynamics of church administration, principles, procedures, and techniques used in today’s world as they apply to the local church and its leadership. It also explores theories of administration, functions of an administrator, planning, goal setting, publications, time management, budgeting etc.

This course is relevant for today’s church covering issues of how to have effective youth programmes in the local church, understanding the mindset of the youth, the role of the youth committee, youth projects, how to have youth services the youth will always want to attend, guiding the youth towards marriage (masofa), the value of education to the youth, how to organise a youth camp etc.

This course will help the student to understand giving as the foundation of all blessings, the purpose of giving, tithes and other kinds of giving in the local church, how to give, the benefits of giving. Etc.

This course presents a Christian philosophy of education. The student is guided in the understanding and mastery of the principles of teaching. The course will help the student to gain the skills needed to teach creatively.

BIB-12, Pathway To Praise and Worship
In this we explore the meaning, purpose, practice and dynamics of how to have an effective praise and worship ministry at a local church.

BIB - 13, Laws Of Leadership
This course presents the biblical foundations of leadership, its qualifications, duties, laws, methods and dynamics.

BIB - 14, Religion & Cults
This course is a study of some of the leading cults which compete with Christianity in an attempt to lay bare to the student their strange doctrines which seek to lead people astray from the true faith.

BIB - 15,The Kingdom Of God
This course seeks to equip the student with a realization of the manifestation of the kingdom of God on earth.

BIB - 16, Gospel Of John
In this study students examine the life, character and ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ, His pre-existence, miracles, and interpretation of the words of Jesus from the book of John.

BIB - 17, Marriage & Family
In this course, the student is introduced to the meaning and purpose of marriage, and how to have a successful and happy family. The duties and responsibilities of the man and woman in marriage are also explored.

BIB - 18, Doteriology(Doctrine Of Salvation)
This course is a study of salvation. It presents salvation as the work of God through the atoning work of Christ through the cross. The grace of God is presented as the source of salvation and not works as some bible teachers teach.

BIB - 19, home Cell Groups
This study explores the purpose, biblical basis and dynamics of home cell groups as method of church growth.

BIB - 20, Life And Teachings Of Christ
This course is a study of the life and teachings of Christ from the view point of the gospel writers, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. This enables the student to preach about Christ with greater effectiveness and understanding.

BIB - 21, Pnmeumatology
This is the study about the Holy Spirit, His person, work, gifts and administration. The student is encouraged to have an experiential relationship with the empowering ministry of the Holy Spirit.

BIB - 22, Counselling
In this course the student is taught the meaning, purpose, methods, and dynamics of counselling as well as how to help a client come to terms with his/her problems through the power of God’s word

BIB - 23, Doctrinal Foundations
In this course the student is given an overview of the elementary teachings of the Christian Faith, viz, Faith towards God, Doctrine of Baptisms, Repentance from dead works, The Laying on of Hands, Resurrection from the dead, and Eternal Judgement

Student Information Services


Classes are at twice a week with each course running for at least 45 minutes. There is a chapel service for 15 minutes before starting of classes which is compulsory for all students to attend.


The academic calendar of AMFCC follows the term system with at least a two week break in between the terms. The term system is as follows:
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3


The college offers a two year Diploma in Biblical Studies & Christian Leadership through the Evening and Correspondence Divisions of the school. The Evening School is done at least two days per week during the evenings and the Correspondence Division, is structured such that students receive study packs and do much of the work through long distance. Face to face instruction and tutorials are held for Correspondence Students from time to time. We also have plans of offering I year certificate courses through our On line School of Ministry which is still under construction.

1. Students shall graduate after successfully completing the course and passing all examinations and requirements thereto.
2. Students shall be required to pay certification fees and all fees that are outstanding before graduation.

Requirements For Graduation

In order for a student to graduate with a Diploma in Biblical Studies & Christian Leadership, he/she must successfully complete all the terms and credited hours as well as all the coursework, tests and examinations. The student must also demonstrate consistency in attendance of classes and pay up his/her tuition fees.

Tuition Fees

A. Non refundable application and registration fee, $50.00
B. Full Course fees, $1200.00
C. Course fees per year, $600.00
D. Full Course fees for Correspondence, $800.00

Registration and tuition costs may be deposited into the school
account, Nab Bank, BSB; 082429, Account Number; 892389161

Admission To Amfcc

To be admitted to study with Australia Multination For Christ College, apply in writing to the Director or Principal of your local school and you will receive the prospectus and application forms. You may download the application form on

A complete application for admission to AMFCC includes the following:
An application form & recommendation from your Church Elder/Pastor, (if not a member of FIFMI), explaining how the applicant came to know Jesus, his involvement in the church and why he wants training at AMFCC. Submit your application to the local Principal of Amfcc.
New students for the Evening School begin in February each year. Correspondence students may begin at any time of the year. Admission is made only after completion of all application procedures and payment of registration costs.

A word from the Director

A warm welcome to all our Bible School students!

I am excited to share with you the vision and mission of Australia Multination For Christ College. The dream of the college is to train and equip today’s leaders for effective ministry. It is answer to the ever increasing training and leadership development needs of the church, its ministries and departments, and all local churches wishing to partner with us in this good cause. The school is committed to improving the cutting edge of the ministry by training leaders who know what to do, how to do it, and when to do it in a manner which accurately reflects the values of Forward In Faith Ministries International. Every church doing great exploits for the kingdom has a church based leadership institute.
I take great pride in letting you know that deciding to study with AMFCC will benefit you in several ways of which I will mention just a few:
· You will get a deeper understanding of the word of God and be able to apply it your daily life.
· You will grow in your Christian walk and in your relationship with God.
· You will be trained and equipped in a manner that reflects the values of FIFMI (2 Tim 2.2, Ephesians 4.11-12).
· You will be able to rightly divide the word of truth. (2 Tim 2.15, Acts 18.24-26).
· You will know what you did not fully understand about FIFMI and the secret behind the growth of one of the fastest growing churches in the world, FIFMI and you will be able to serve effectively as a tent maker.(Acts 18.1-4, 24-26, 1 Cor .4.15-17, 2 Tim 3.10).
· Your gifting will be discovered, nurtured and stirred and you will be a great blessing to your local church.(2 Tim 1.6, Phil. 2.19-24).
· Your training will result in the fulfillment of the Great Commission. (Acts 19.8-10, 118-20).

Ps Richardson Mafuriranwa

From the President & Founder

Australia Multination for Christ is a school which I started out of a desire to meet the training needs of our elders, deacons and lay people in Australia.
Every school has its own traditions, customs, its values, landmarks and sentiments which make it unique to all who study within its environment.
AMFCC is God’s school where you may prepare, and like the disciples of Jesus, proclaim the powerful message of deliverance so desperately needed in the world today. Learning at this school will make you to be the leader you were meant to be. Many people are surprised to see Forward in Faith Ministries International growing so fast, and do want to know the secret. The aim of the bible school is to reveal that secret.
The administration and all the teaching staff are committed to the privilege of assisting the students in their studies until graduation. Over 5000 students have graduated from our schools throughout the world.
It is my prayer and expectation that all those who will choose to study at our school will find blessing and enrichment in their walk with God, resulting in deeper understanding of the word of God and effective ministry in the local church in which they serve.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Introducing Amfcc-Australiablog

To All Amfcc -Australia Bible School Students & All Prospective Students

Greetings and welcome to the official blog for Australia Multination For Christ College Blog. This blog has been created for the following reasons:

1. To provide valuable information about the activities of the college to our students both in Australia, the Asian Pacific and all over the world.
2. To cater for the needs of our students and create a way for interaction and transmission of information.
3. To provide a common place for announcements, calendars, events and services.

Amfcc Australia exists for the sole purpose of equipping and training leaders and lay persons for effective and efficient ministry through Evening Bible Schools, Correspondence School and seminars. The School was founded and commissioned by Apostle Ezekiel H.Guti in March 2009. It is an extension of Africa Multination For Christ College, Zimbabwe where over five thousand full time pastors have been trained at the feet of Apostle Guti.

Amfcc Australia is committed to raising a generation of leaders with a passion for the kingdom of God in a manner that accurately reflects the values of Forward In Faith Ministries International and all those who will partner with us in our mission. More info about the college can be obtained through our website, when you click the bible school link.